...and also guarantee that for your goods.
Data from the safety measurement system.
Last updated August 2019
Total number of inspections for the measurement period (24 months) ______________________________ 38
Total number of driver inspections for the measurement period _____________________________________ 37
Total number of driver inspections containing at least one out-of-service driver violation____________ 0
Total number of vehicle inspections for the measurement ___________________________________________ 22
Total number of vehicle inspections containing at least one end-of-life vehicle violation ______________ 2
Monam Industries Inc Unsafe Truck Driving Data _______________________________________________________ 0
Number of inspections with at least one BASIC violation of unsafe driving ____________________________ 4
Unsafe driving BASIC Roadside performance measurement __________________________________________1.6
Monam Industries Inc. Hours of service data (HOS)
Number of inspections with at least one BASIC violation of operating hours____________________________ 4
Hours of Service Compliance (HOS) BASIC Value of Road Performance Measurement _______________ .43
Hours of Service Compliance (HOS) BASIC, Acute / Critical Indicator
(yes = acute / critical based on a survey conducted in the last 12 months)_____________________________ No
Monam Industries Inc Trucker Fitness Data
Number of inspections with at least one violation of the trucker's BASIC code __________________________0
Truck driver BASIC Value of road performance measurement ___________________________________________ 0
Monam Industries Inc. Controlled Substances and Alcohol Data
Number of inspections with at least one controlled substance and alcohol BASIC violation____________ 0
Number of inspections with at least one controlled substance and alcohol BASIC violation_____________ 0
Controlled substances and alcohol BASIC Indicator acute / critical (yes = acute / critical based
on a survey conducted in the previous 12 months)______________________________________________________ No
Monam Industries Inc Vehicle Maintenance Data
Number of inspections with at least one BASIC vehicle maintenance violation___________________________ 9
Maintenance of BASIC vehicles Value of road performance measurement ___________________________ 2.06
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