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Inspections ensure the safety of our workforce....

...and also guarantee that for your goods.

Transparency is one of our values

The Highway Safety Code requires the owner of certain vehicles, including heavy vehicles,
to submit them to a mandatory periodic mechanical inspection.

Data from the safety measurement system.

Data from the safety measurement system.

Last updated August 2019

Total number of inspections for the measurement period (24 months) ______________________________ 38

Total number of driver inspections for the measurement period _____________________________________ 37

Total number of driver inspections containing at least one out-of-service driver violation____________ 0

Total number of vehicle inspections for the measurement ___________________________________________  22

Total number of vehicle inspections containing at least one end-of-life vehicle violation ______________ 2

Monam Industries Inc Unsafe Truck Driving Data _______________________________________________________ 0

Number of inspections with at least one BASIC violation of unsafe driving  ____________________________ 4

Unsafe driving BASIC Roadside performance measurement __________________________________________1.6

Monam Industries Inc. Hours of service data (HOS)

Number of inspections with at least one BASIC violation of operating hours____________________________ 4

Hours of Service Compliance (HOS) BASIC Value of Road Performance Measurement _______________ .43

Hours of Service Compliance (HOS) BASIC, Acute / Critical Indicator

(yes = acute / critical based on a survey conducted in the last 12 months)_____________________________ No

Monam Industries Inc Trucker Fitness Data

Number of inspections with at least one violation of the trucker's BASIC code __________________________0

Truck driver BASIC Value of road performance measurement ___________________________________________ 0

Monam Industries Inc. Controlled Substances and Alcohol Data

Number of inspections with at least one controlled substance and alcohol BASIC violation____________  0

Number of inspections with at least one controlled substance and alcohol BASIC violation_____________ 0

Controlled substances and alcohol BASIC Indicator acute / critical (yes = acute / critical based

on a survey conducted in the previous 12 months)______________________________________________________ No

Monam Industries Inc Vehicle Maintenance Data

Number of inspections with at least one BASIC vehicle maintenance violation___________________________ 9

Maintenance of BASIC vehicles Value of road performance measurement ___________________________ 2.06

Ensure that your goods are in safe hands


2020 Boulevard Robert-Bourassa #100,
Montreal, QC H3A 2A5

We serve all of Canada and the United States except Hawaii and Alaska

Monam Industries Inc.

2130, boulevard Industriel


J3L 4V2


Phone: (450) 447-8977

Fax: (450) 447-8877

US WATTS 1-800-361-3645


Mon to Fri:  9:00 am - 7:00 pm

Saturday : 10:00 am - 7:00 pm


The Staff